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Article: Wild week reflections with a hint on how to gain your super powers!

Wild week reflections with a hint on how to gain your super powers!

Wild week reflections with a hint on how to gain your super powers!

What a wild week we had at Balance Me last week!
On top of our regular weekly meals, wholesale production, café, and Thursday night dinner, we had our annual MPI audit that we passed with flying colours, a high tea for 30 new residents followed by the opening party for the new state of the art assisted living building in the Aspiring Village called Pembroke. 
This building and nourishing its residents is the key reason we have moved into the village. We will be providing morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea daily for the new residents and we are so excited to be able to support them in their nutrition and increasing their diversity and overall health at this stage of their lives. 
While we know I like to bring the fun to the party, I brought some extra smoke to the canapés at the opening night and set off the fire alarms resulting in having to evacuate the whole building full of 150 people. While not ideal at 5pm when its getting cold, it is a solid reminder that with planning, good teamwork (and some wine) everything in life is a good story to tell and lesson in the end. 
I get asked so often how I manage so much in my days, work so hard, and avoid the winter flus and honestly I put it all down to our weekly meals. Having energising, diverse food ready to eat when I need to nourish my body and mind is the key to success. Also 70% of your immune system lives in and is created in your gut - so diversify your diverse gut loving bugs so they have the nutrients they need to attack all of the variety of bugs being shared around this winter! 
If you're needing some super power energy added to your week and not sure where to start we suggest with diversity- check out our diversity check list for some easy tips and tricks! If you need more help in this department, let us support you. Check out the weekly menu on the Shop now page! 
Have a fantastic week,

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