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Article: Banana Pancakes

Banana Pancakes

Banana Pancakes

Ingredients: (Serves 4, 12 pancakes)
2 ripe bananas
¾ cup plant milk
2 ½ tsp baking powder
1 ½ cup flour ( ¾ almond, ¾ spelt)*
½ tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
1 tbsp olive oil

1/3 cup Chocolate chips

1) Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl.
2) On a plate, mash the bananas with a fork and add this to the dry ingredients, pour in the plant milk and stir to combine. If you are adding the chocolate chips, stir these in once the batter is combined.
3) Set a pan or skillet to medium heat with ½ tbsp olive oil and roughly use a ¼ cup to measure and pour each pancake into the pan.
4) These pancakes take time to cook and set, but they do bubble like normal pancakes. Allow the pancakes to cook for 3 minutes before flipping and cooking on the other side.

Serving suggestions:
These are great drizzled with honey or maple syrup and served with fresh

Recipe note:
You can use any combination of flour you like. I would recommend lighter flours, however, if you plan on using whole grain flour, I recommend another ¼ cup of milk to lighten the batter.

These are best eaten fresh but can be stored in the fridge for 3 days or frozen up to 3 months.

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